The perfect ingredients to dedication & success

It’s okay if things don’t go your way. Sometimes, you’ve just got to learn to steer the ship when the storms are out to play naughty in your life and you’ll be successful in whatever you do 😀

We learned this today in our hungry morning moment. Sunday breakfast!

When breakfast success ingredients were on our minds

So we planned to make our breakfast based on a video we watched on Facebook. We were determined to make this a success, no matter what way it went… We were going to prepare this and eat it.

The success ingredients!

  1. Two eggs whisked with salt and pepper
  2. Three Chopped Mushrooms
  3. One Chopped chilly
  4. Two cheese Slices
  5. One small slice of an onion and chopped into bits
  6. Two slices ham
  7. Two bread slices
  8. Salt… as much or less as we wanted!

The most important success ingredients!

  1. One Cup of enthusiasm
  2. Three Cups of fun
  3. Two Slices of laughter
  4. Chopped mental agony
  5. Handful of positivity
  6. Crushed pathetic memories
  7. Pinch of self-belief & faith (coz that’s all we need)

The bread that crumbled

Mixing up all the success ingredients together

We put these ingredients into a frying pan of hot ghee (lard). But by the order of onion, chilly, Mushrooms and ham, all together. We fried them and loved the fragrance.

What we missed with the success ingredients?

We didn’t miss much but we definitely broke the bread the wrong way. We had to remove the mid section of the slice bread by using a knife… like a pro. We surely didn’t do this!

The borders crumbled and so we only saved the mid section of the slice bread. This was no problem to us. We simply placed the mid section of the bread over the pan fried ingredients right after pouring the whisked eggs on top. Then came the cheese slices.

We covered the pan for the rest to cook into something we just wanted to keep clicking.

And that’s what we call surprised success! Things don’t always work as planned. It’s the way we make plans work even when they aren’t going our way.

Check out how we sliced this tempter on our insta page

Eat! Eat! Eat! 💖💖💖

Give, while you get

Just one month to go before we welcome the chiming bells of Christmas. 

Tis the season of loving and giving. Spending time with loved ones and praying for each other’s wellbeing. 

We have one another. We need to be more for those who need one another.

There are so many ways to gift someone your love. Just a smile, a kind word, a positive gesture, food to eat for the hungry, water for the thirsty, and clothing for the poor.

December is the end of the year but the start of hope that renews itself. Hope to look forward. Hope for love. Hope for money (more, 💰). 

How do we give whole we get? Generosity is a part of who we are, isn’t it? Let’s face it, the selfish aspect about giving is that we get loads of good feelings inside us and that feeling is permanent.

Japan Festival

The Japan festival caught our eye.

Everyone around were trying Japanese delicacies.

Phoenix Mills was happening today. Good and positive place to be. And where there’s food, there’s always something to look forward to.

We spent a good few minutes here at the Phoenix mall here in Mumbai. Always a pleasant place to be.

4 Sure-shot Ways To Go Do Stuff

So we’ve been super busy sorting out everybody else’s work and making everyone else rich.

When priorities get mixed up

Exhausted with the way the day ends. Back to back meetings where we wonder whether we’re ever going to get out.

We made a list of what we want to do but we forgot to blog…. But may be that comes under getting shit done.

What say guys? Is there anything that you’ve been putting off lately because you’ve already got too much on your plate? Something that you need to do but just can’t come around it? 
Because here are 4 sure-shot methods to make shit happen.

1. Prioritize. Prioritize. Prioritize

Do I really need to do this now? Is it needed urgently? Can I do parts of it and eventually complete it? 
Every task has a timeline and importance of its own. Some tasks just look like they need to get done faster while some can be put on a back burner. The secret is to ask yourself whether you really need to do it or not.

2. No. No. No

You don’t have to be the one to do it all by yourself. If you are the responsible kind then you’re going to get stuck in this situation more than many times.
Some of us who hate the consequences of not doing things could be the most busy ones of the lot. If there’s work, there’s always someone else who can do it for you or help divide the work with you. More than saying no to those who come to you for work, say to no yourself for saying yes to all work.

By learning what not to do, you will leave the unnecessary and get the real shit done.

3. Get up. Get out

Don’t do this to yourself!

Yes duh! We all need a break and if you don’t take one, it’s going to affect you. You’ll get cranky, especially when you watch other people leave before you at work. You will feel underpaid and underachieved and most of all like you’re being treated unfairly. 

So take a break, go somewhere, walk down a corridor if you must but just get up and out of your seat and walk away for a while. No harm in getting up and getting out.

Apart from studies, common sense suggests that taking a break helps work get done faster because you are more focused plus you are not a robot to be working all the time.

4. What about them loved ones?

Think about your family, those whom you love and want to spend time with, they are more precious than some deadline which never dies. As soon as you think about them, you will know how to delegate work at work and how to work less and enjoy more with baileys, beer, nitrogen ice cream and much need rest.

Loved ones inspire you to get shit done by making you eager to finish work and spend time with family and friends.

Now go have the best fun of your life 😊😊 whole getting 💩 done.

Peace out!


Life is scary as it is and so are the many people who claim to be normal. Let’s scare each other with positive pranks and naughty laughters. Spread the scare.

Happy Halloween to all of you. May you have a scary one.👻👻👻👻👻👻

Thug Grasshopper

When this grasshopper refused to hop away from our car, we decided to hop away and let it have its way.

It finally landed on our roof because we shooed it with a handkerchief

Before that, it refused to move away from our front screen

If a grasshopper can fearlessly aim for the sky, so can we.

Choco Shot

We have the hots for chocolate

Sweet and soft mushiness

Soft pudding goodness

Melting chocolate madness

Creamy touchy cuteness

Fill up life with sweetness

There’s no other softness

Dark chocolate tartness

Solo toffee temptress

Let’s indulge in choco-ness

Before life says we can’t

Too young to stop eating chocolate

Too old to turn away

Too wise to sacrifice

Too nice to let go

We need to discover another chocolate outlet that tops the slot of a choco shot.

7 Plates Full

You know you are too busy when your schedule gets heavier than usual.

  1. You can’t meet your family
  2. You keep cancelling plans
  3. You become forgetful 
  4. You are exhausted
  5. You lose your temper
  6. You can’t process things anymore
  7. You stop smiling

    Have we missed something? Tell us! 😀😀🤘🤘